Tom Fitz: Emmy award-winning underwater cameraman

Podcast Episode #38

Tom is an Emmy award-winning cameraman, above and below the ocean’s surface, dividing his time between freelancing for the BBC’s Natural History Unit and overseeing his educational non-profit Schoolyard Films that provides free environmental education films to K-12 classrooms worldwide. Hear career highlights from beauty in the Arctic to fear in Patagonia to a constant respect while filming the animals that call the underwater world home across the globe.

Follow @schoolyardfilms on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and visit to access all available teaching resources. Visit Tom’s professional website at

Andrew Stern: Founder of Smartfin

Podcast Episode #19

Andrew is a retired neurologist focused on raising awareness about environmental issues including ocean health. Smartfin is a surfboard fin that collects ocean data while you surf, turning surfers into citizen scientists. Hear how Smartfin plans to grow the global community of ocean stewards with their incredible technology product.

Follow @TheSmartfin on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Visit their website to learn more about how you can get involved.