Paul de Gelder: Shark Bite Survivor Now Advocating for Sharks

Podcast Episode #66

Paul is a shark bite survivor now passionately advocating for the conservation of sharks worldwide through public speaking, writing, and TV presenting on programs like Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. In this episode we discuss how even after losing two limbs to a bull shark in 2009 as a Navy Clearance Diver, Paul has come to realize that sharks are truly incredible animals that need respect and protection. Paul also shares why he chooses to eat a plant-based diet and how his profound relationship with the ocean inspires him to care for all life above and below the water.

To learn more about Paul’s story, visit his website, and follow him on Twitter and Instagram @pauldegelder.

Tom Fitz: Emmy award-winning underwater cameraman

Podcast Episode #38

Tom is an Emmy award-winning cameraman, above and below the ocean’s surface, dividing his time between freelancing for the BBC’s Natural History Unit and overseeing his educational non-profit Schoolyard Films that provides free environmental education films to K-12 classrooms worldwide. Hear career highlights from beauty in the Arctic to fear in Patagonia to a constant respect while filming the animals that call the underwater world home across the globe.

Follow @schoolyardfilms on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and visit to access all available teaching resources. Visit Tom’s professional website at

Danni Washington: Ocean spokesperson and Big Blue & You co-founder

Podcast Episode #33

Danni is a dedicated and talented ocean spokesperson working as an on-camera host to give the oceans a voice. Hear how she’s gone from a background in marine science to currently hosting Xploration Station’s Nature Knows Best TV show available on Hulu and FOX. Dannie is also the co-founder of her ocean conservation non-profit, Big Blue & You, dedicated to inspiring and educating youth on all things ocean through art, science, and policy.

Follow Danni on Instagram and YouTube and check out her personal website. Follow Big Blue & You on Facebook and Instagram and visit their website. Check out Sea Youth Rise Up and her latest TV show Nature Knows Best by Xploration Station!